The NYC Peer Specialist Conference Planning Committee is currently accepting workshop proposals for the 19th Annual NYC Conference for Working Peer Specialists, “Recovery in Review: Building the Future of Peer Support”, which will be held on Thursday, July 24, 2025, at NYU Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY. Deadline for submission of workshop proposals is Friday, February 28, 2025.
We often reflect on past success and lessons learned in order to move forward. What recovery means to each of us individually, and collectively as community, is an amalgam of experiences, hopes, and action steps. Our vision for the future of peer support is deeply informed both by taking stock of all that we have accomplished and endured over many decades, as well as all that we have built on the shoulders of predecessors; these trailblazers envisioned a future that was challenged at every turn, yet self-defined and incrementally realized within systems that once oppressed us, thwarted our dreams, and coined our determination as non-compliance and resistance. As we continue to navigate systemic barriers, negativity, stigma, and structural inequities, we can also surely refuel as we continue the journey. We achieve inclusion through investment of our unique knowledge, skills, and abilities. We ensure a future through our presence and belonging.
To submit your workshop proposal before the February 28th deadline, please click HERE. A Sample Workshop Proposal and Workshop Planning Template are provided for your reference.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Eileen Crosby at