Registration is Still Open! Register Day 1 Register Day 2
2nd Annual PeerTAC 2-Day Virtual Peer Support Supervision Summit:
Creating a Shared Vision of Supervision
Tuesday January 28 (12-4 pm) & Thursday January 30 (9-4 pm)
PREVIEW of the Summit Program is Available

We are excited to give you a sneak peek of the program! To access visit:https://peertac.org/resources/peertac-supervision-summit-program-2025/ ACCESSING THE SESSIONS Only registered attendees will receive session links to the Round Table, Panelist, and Workshop Sessions. These links will be sent by email to those who have registered for Day 1 or Day 2 before the event. If you do not receive the email before the Summit check your Junk Mail folder. If you still cannot locate the email with links, send an email to info@peertac.org to verify your registration to receive the session links. |
Get to know the workshop presenters. Visit the section at the bottom of the webpage to see the workshop presenters and click the ‘+’ sign on their photos to view their bios. Visit: https://peertac.org/special-event/creating-a-shared-vision-of-supervision/ |

Day 1 Round Table – The Secrets of Supervision: Unleashing the Magic of the Peer Support Workforce

Day 2 Panelists – The Power of Peers: Navigating Supervision Together

If you haven’t got a chance, get a glimpse of what to expect at the 2025 Supervision Summit by watching the videos of the Round Table & Panelists. You can view their videos and bios by clicking the “+” sign in their photograph on the Summit webpage: https://peertac.org/special-event/creating-a-shared-vision-of-supervision/
Plan now to join us the end of this month (January) where you’ll be able to gain wisdom from accomplished leaders in the peer support supervisor community who will be sharing supervisor-to-supervisor, their experiences in providing effective supervision grounded in mutual peer support values and practical approaches to the delivery of peer support services.
Watch Now to get a preview of what to expect at the summit: https://youtu.be/7KZDXnsgKfg
Registration is Still Open – Don’t Miss it! Click on the links below to register.
If you have any issues accessing the buttons above, you can register at the links below:
Important note: You will be prompted with a login screen. You can sign up to register or log in if you already have an account.
Day 1: https://registration.nytac.org/event/?pid=5&id=1724
Day 2: https://registration.nytac.org/event/?pid=5&id=1728