Rally for Ramel Powell, Terrence Moore & Jonathan Grant, TODAY, Feb. 27, 11:30 am
Please join the Jails Action Coalition and the #HALTsolitary Campaign for a virtual rally TODAY, Thursday, Feb. 27, at 11:30 am following the devastating loss of Ramel Powell and Terrence Moore in NYC jails, and Jonathan Grant in NY prisons. Register at: bit.ly/SAVELIVESINDOC. Please join to honor Ramel, Terrence, and Jonathan, and demand NYC and NYS officials release people, stop sending people to deadly jails, end solitary, provide quality medical care & protect the human rights of all New Yorkers.

DRNY Virtual Educational Event on HALT,
TODAY, Feb. 27 at 12:30 pm
From our allies at Disability Rights New York: Please join a virtual educational event about the HALT Solitary Confinement Law, how it restricts the use of solitary confinement in NYS prisons and jails, and how it impacts New Yorkers with mental health needs. Please register here.

Please Take These Steps Today to Demand DOCCS Reverse Its Illegal Suspension of the HALT Solitary Law
- Have organization join sign onto this letter today to demand DOCCS and the Governor reverse the suspension of HALT: https://bit.ly/HALTsolitaryLetter2025
- Use this action tool to individually contact the Governor and NY Legislators: bit.ly/StandWithOurLovedOnes
- Issue a statement condemning the illegal suspension of HALT. Please send any statements to caicadvocacyday@gmail.com before publishing (please note the email address in yesterday’s email was incorrect) For samples, please see and repost statements from the HALT, NYCLU, NCLEJ, NRCAT, and NAACP-NYS.