The Alliance for Rights and Recovery (formerly NYAPRS) will hold an online advocacy training session tomorrow (Friday 2/28) from 12-1:15pm EST to prepare you all for our 28th Annual Legislative Day next Tuesday, March 4th! Attend to hear more about this year’s issues, learn and practice advocacy skills, and discover how to get the most out of your meetings with legislators! The session is open to all who are interested in improving their advocacy skills before next Tuesday’s event!
Register For Friday’s Training Session
We still have spaces left on our buses, sign up today to secure your spot!
**One lucky rider on each bus will receive a full scholarship to
our Annual Conference in September!**
We have FREE buses leaving and returning to
Long Island, New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Binghamton,
White Plains, and Syracuse!
Sign up for one of the buses using the link below.
Register Here to Get on the Bus!
See the attached document to learn more about this year’s priorities and see below for the day’s schedule. Contact VP of Public Policy Luke Sikinyi as needed at 518-703-0264