Virtual Press Conference Today at 11 am for Release of New Report
Please join allies at the Justice Policy Institute (JPI), RAPP, CCA, and others, along with Congress Member Velázquez and other lawmakers for a virtual press conference today at 11 am at this zoom.
The Justice Policy Institute will be releasing a policy blueprint that outlines urgent reforms to address safety concerns, end prolonged solitary confinement, create pathways for release, and overhaul NY state prisons in response to the brutal killings of Robert Brooks and Messiah Nantwi as well as the 22-day illegal prison strike that left at least nine people dead and tens of thousands of people locked down in prolonged isolation.
Protect Kalief’s Law Rally (Disovery) Tomorrow, March 14, in NYC
From our allies at the The Alliance to Protect Kalief’s Law: Both the NYS Assembly and NYS Senate have said No to Discovery rollbacks and Yes to protecting Kalief’s Law by way of their One House Budgets. But that doesn’t mean the work is done — we have to make sure Kalief’s Law stays intact to protect New Yorkers all over the State from languishing in jail waiting for discovery in their cases. Please join us at a rally outside the courthouse where Kalief had his court appearances, to defend Kalief’s Law, support the Myrie/Lasher bill promoting police transparency, and protect New Yorkers all over the state.
What: Rally to Protect Kalief’s Law
Where: The Bronx Criminal Court, 265 E 161st St, Bronx, NY
When: March 14th 2025 11:00am
Who: Advocates, Elected Officials, Public Defenders, and New Yorkers who want to protect themselves and Kalief’s Law
Check out this NYTimes story on the $206 million payouts to New Yorkers for decades old wrongful convictions that resulted from the withholding of evidence common during the”blindfold era.”. Please read Chris Gelardi’s reporting in NY Focus: “Hochul’s Criminal Justice Plan Could Leave Defendants in the Dark” There are also over 80 law professors who agree that the Governor’s proposal is not a “tweak” but a full gutting of Kalief’s law and, most importantly, listen to voices of the people like Derrick Hamilton, now exonerated, who spent years of his life in prison because of the “blindfold era” law;
Please Take These Additional Steps to Demand DOCCS Reverse Its Illegal Suspension of the HALT Solitary Law
- Have organization join sign onto this letter today to demand DOCCS and the Governor reverse the suspension of HALT:
- Use this action tool to individually contact the Governor and NY Legislators:
- Issue a statement condemning the illegal suspension of HALT. Please send any statements to before publishing. Please see and amplify the statement Jerome made re the illegal purported HALT suspension here.