Alliance Alert: We are in the final stretch of the NYS budget process, and we need all hands on deck to ensure that the final budget rejects expanded involuntary commitment and fully funds voluntary mental health services.
Both the Assembly and Senate have excluded involuntary inpatient and outpatient commitment expansions from their one-house budget proposals—an important victory. But with less than two weeks until the budget is finalized, we must keep up the pressure to secure funding for voluntary programs like Peer Bridgers, Daniel’s Law teams, INSET, Housing First, and upstate Clubhouses as well as a flexible 7.8% rate enhancement for agencies and their workforce.
Join us this Wednesday in Albany for a press conference with key legislative leaders to demand a final budget that prioritizes voluntary services, increases critical funding, and rejects coercive treatment. Your voice is critical in making sure the final budget reflects real solutions that support dignity, recovery, and community-based care. Be there, speak out, and help us make change happen! See below for more details of the event.

to Press for a Budget that Expands Proven Voluntary Services, Adds a Critically Needed Rate Hike
and Rejects Involuntary Treatment Expansions
March 17, 2025
Contact: Luke Sikinyi, VP for Public Policy, 518703-0264
Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, 518-527-0564
Last week, the state Assembly and Senate advanced proposals that increased funding for a proven continuum of crisis, outreach, peer support, Housing First, upstate Clubhouses, Daniel’s Law teams of mental health and emergency medical first responders and a critically needed 7.8% rate increase!
At the same time, both houses rejected support for expansions in the use of traumatizing and ineffective involuntary inpatient and outpatient treatment.
Advocates are coming to Albany this Wednesday to join key legislative leaders in a Capital news conference to press for the voluntary approaches above and to reject the expansion of involuntary treatment.
WHO: Legislative mental health committee chairs Assembly member Jo Ann Simon and Senator Samra Brouk
Harvey Rosental, CEO and Luke Sikinyi, Vice President for Public Policy, Alliance for Rights and Recovery
Glenn Liebman, CEO, Mental Health Association of New York State and other advocates
New Yorkers with major mental illnesses
WHEN: Wednesday March 19, 2025
WHERE: Million Dollars Staircase, NYS Capital
Contact: Luke Sikinyi, VP for Public Policy, 518-703-0264
Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, 518-527-0564