NYAPRS Note: Un·com·fort·a·ble, ənˈkəmfərdəb(ə)l,ˌənˈkəmftərbəl – Definition: conducive to or feeling mental or physical discomfort: Have you ever been anywhere without yourself? None of us have, we bring ourselves with us in every interaction, conversation, activity, and effort, who we are intersects and impacts with what we do. How we think and behave towards others who are different from us has supported health inequities resulting in health disparities affecting others even to the point of illness and death.
For racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, health disparities take on many forms, including higher rates of chronic disease and premature death compared to the rates among whites. To create a system where everyone gets what they need to be healthy, safe, and happy, we must be brave and confront the driving forces that deter us from having equitable outcomes for all.
NYAPRS and our partners at the McSilver Institute and CCSI share a conviction to present this conference’s focus on the impact of racism on health and wellness. Participants will be asked to give themselves permission to indulge in the often uncomfortable experience of changing our minds!
Registration now open! CLICK HERE to register – Don’t miss out on this important and stimulating one day event!