The Shul Justice Project of The Shul of New York Presents:
JANUARY 10, 2023, 7PM on zoom
Understanding Hate and How to Counter It
A Zoom Talk by Kenneth S. Stern
Director of the
Bard Center for the Study of Hate
What do we know about hate?
Why do we divide into “us” and “them”?
What do we do next?
We tend to think of antisemitism, racism, and other forms of hate as separate things, and they are.
But they are also subsets of the human capacity to define,
and sometimes dehumanize and/or demonize an “other.”
How does hatred work, and how can we combat it?
Hear from award-winning author and attorney, Ken Stern, who is a voice against extremism and for
human rights through his writings, teaching, testimony, legal defense
work and professional positions.