DAY 1 – April 26, 2022
The Nexus of Public & Behavioral Health and Social Policy
Ashwin Vasan, MD, Commissioner, New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, NYAPRS
Join Dr. Vasan as he explores strategies to address the intersectionality and impact of the COVID pandemic, unprecedented demands on our health and behavioral healthcare systems and our capability to address the social determinants of health, with a special focus on the housing and public safety crises we face today.
Keynote: Reconnections and Replenishment
Jeff McQueen, Executive Director, MHA of Nassau County
As a leader and manager, connecting to our “Why” can sometimes be a bit challenging but during the trying times of the pandemic, it has become a daunting task. The responsibilities of running an organization, although rewarding and exciting, can be difficult, time consuming and even stressful. Join us as Jeff helps us find a path to reconnect with our purpose and rediscover the joy in our work.
A Facilitated Discussion: On the Path to Recapturing Purpose and Meaning in Work
Moderator: Yves Ades, Principal, Ades Integrated Health Strategies
Join this interactive session where we will explore our own purpose, our own “Why”. Using the Zoom break out rooms, and led by Yves Ades, we will share ways we can reconnect to our purpose, and care for ourselves with the same skill and energy that we use to take care of our organizations and our staff. Don’t we deserve it? Come be a part of this important discussion.
Beyond Stabilization: Filling in the Crisis Continuum
Denise Balzer, Director of Crisis Services, NYS Office of Mental Health; Shannon Higbee, CEO, Recovery Options Made Easy; Steve Miccio, CEO, People USA; Kathy Pandakakes, CEO, Human Development Services in Westchester; Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, NYAPRS
In this session, the presenters will take stock of where we are in the run up and roll out of the 9-8-8 Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hot line and the Intensive and Supportive Crisis Stabilization Center initiatives, with special attention to the options people will have when they complete their one day stay at those Centers.
Solutions to the Workforce Crisis: Recruitment & Retention in a Changed World
Jennifer Cox, National Trainer, Mental Health First Aid, National Council for Mental Wellbeing; DeWan Strowd, Chief People Officer, BestSelf; Yaberci Perez-Cubillian, COO, Acacia Networks; Joleen Darby, COO, People USA
Workforce is our greatest asset, yet we don’t always prioritize the time needed to help optimize their performance and their satisfaction with their work. Join our presenters as they offer a national and local perspective on strategies towards recruitment and retention of quality staff that will allow us to refocus our energies on staff satisfaction and quality work output.
Assuring the Integrity of Peer Support in Integrated Settings
Dana Foglesong, National Director, Recovery & Resiliency Services, Magellan Healthcare, CApe Coral, Florida; Jonathan Edwards, Program Consultant, New York City Department of Mental Hygiene; Cherene Caraco, CEO, Promise Resource Network, Charlotte, North Carolina
The value of individuals with lived experience being part of the behavioral health services delivery model has grown exponentially. Peer support has been shown to improve the quality-of-life of people who participate in services and produce favorable financial outcomes for organizations. Still, many organizations struggle to meaningfully integrate peer support workers in a way that provides impactful peer delivered services. As the demand for peer support increases, the critical ingredients of peer support must not be lost. Join the conversation with national peer leaders in a frank and thoughtful discussion on the challenges ahead.
In the Most Integrated Setting: The Pathway to a New NYS Olmstead Plan
Kim Hill, NYS Chief Disability Officer; Kevin Martone, Executive Director, Technical Assistance Collaborative, Boston, MA; Doug Hovey, CEO, Independent Living; Len Statham, COO, NYAPRS; Alan Gallagher, Workforce Programs Specialist 3 Supervisor, NYS Department of Labor; Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, NYAPRS
In 2002, New York’s Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC) was charged with “ensuring that New Yorkers of all ages with disabilities receive services and supports in the most integrated settings appropriate to their individual needs.” Over the coming months, public advocates, state government representatives and stakeholders from across the state will work together to update New York’s Olmstead plan, producing a revised blueprint that will identify specific strategies to meet measurable indicators of our progress. This presentation will feature a brief view of other state’s Olmstead plans, learn about the MISCC’s effort to date and meet New York’s new Chief Disability Officer, who will help support and coordinate the process to get to a new Plan.
Creating an Anti-Racist Organization 2.0: Moving from Talk to Action!
Kesha Carter, Chief Diversity Officer, Coordinated Care Services, Inc.; Edith Jones, Benefit Manager; Brian Potvin, Coordinator, Person-Centered Approaches, Arc of Monroe; Paul Caccamise, Vice President for Programs, Lifespan
The journey to building an antiracist organization can feel challenging. Antiracism is not about what we feel but what we do. Being equipped with the understanding that racism is a system, organizational leaders need to be intentional in how they tackle the issue. This work is multifaceted and involves all departments, processes, and systems, expanding as the work gets deeper. Join the conversation and begin to move beyond awareness, to implementing strategies that you can use to create an antiracist organization.
Are You Running Your Agency or is Your Agency Running You?
John Haney, Certified EOS Implementor, Traction Ace, LLC
Are you worried about the amount of revenue your agency brings in? Are you operating with quick fixes that do little to address the deeper challenges your organization faces? Do you struggle with staff who don’t always listen, understand, or follow through? If so, this workshop is for you. Join us and hear what major companies have learned through the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). Discover greater sustainable organizational growth, improved revenue, improved staff morale and a better work/life balance for you.
DAY 2 – April 27, 2022
Keynote: New York’s Vision for the Medicaid Waiver
Trisha Schell-Guy, Director, Division of Program Development & Management, NYS Department of Health
Last August, the New York State Department of Health submitted a conceptual framework to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) summarizing a new 1115 Medicaid waiver request for $17 billion over 5 years to reduce racial, disability and socioeconomic health disparities, improve health equity, and keep Medicaid expenditures cost neutral. This presentation will provide an update on where the waiver is by late April in terms of the scope of the design and implementation timeline.
Perspectives on New York’s Next 1115 Waiver Program
Trisha Schell-Guy, Director, Division of Program Development & Management, NYS Department of Health; Robert Myers, Senior Deputy Commissioner, NYS Office of Mental Health; Lara Kassel, Coalition Coordinator, Medicaid Matters NY; John Javis, CEO, Behavioral Health New York City IPA; Amy Maciejowski, Senior Program Manager, State Affairs and Public Policy, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA); Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, NYAPRS
This panel will build on the keynote presentation and discussion and look at how the new waiver program incorporates lessons learned from the development of HARPs, Health Homes, Home and Community Based Services and Value Based Payment arrangements.
Opportunities for Promoting Recovery and Improved Outcomes through CORE Services
Boris Vilgorin, Health Care Innovations Officer; Meg Baier, Director of Health Care Innovation, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research; Daniella Labate-Covelli, Director of Managed Care Initiatives, NYAPRS; Katie Merrill, Director of Rehabilitation Services and Amanda Saake, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Director of Office of Consumer Affairs, NYS Office of Mental Health; Francine Gullo, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Restoration Society Inc.
There are more than 100,000 HARP members who are currently eligible to participate in much needed CORE services and engagement is key to helping people connect to the value of CORE for their own recovery. Join our panel to discuss how to create internal and external partnerships to build referral networks that promote the use of CORE as a complement to other services. Come and brainstorm ideas about how organizations, no matter their size, can incorporate CORE into their service array to support people to reach their recovery goals.
Taking on the Challenge! Reducing Stigma and Discrimination
Suzanne Feeney, Director, Institute for Program & Policy Innovation, NYS Office of Mental Health; Dhanushki Samaranayake, NYS Office of Mental Health
Challenging stigma takes both understanding and education. It begins with a closer look at our attitudes and beliefs. The NYS Office of Mental Health is committed to having the difficult conversations needed to tackle this issue in all its multiple forms and is looking for your ideas and strategies to incorporate into their workplan to support stigma reduction statewide. Join us and make your voice heard to help reduce and eliminate stigma and discrimination within our behavioral health system in NYS.
CEO Plenary – Experience, Strength & Hope
Moderator: Linda Rosenberg, Director of External Relations at Columbia Psychiatry, NYC, Former CEO National Council for Mental Well Being, Washington, DC; Lonnetta Albright, President and Owner, Forward Movement Inc., Executive Director and Certified Coach, John Maxwell Institute, Tinley Park, Illinois, Former CEO, Great Lakes ATTC; Michael Stoltz, Former CEO, Association for Mental Health and Wellness, Long Island, currently New York, Non-Profit Leadership Consultant; David Shern, Former CEO, Mental Health America, currently, Senior Public Health Advisor, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors; Amy Kohn, Former CEO Mental Health Association of Westchester, currently
The “great resignation” has been in full bloom with many baby boomers and others retiring after more than 40 years devoted to our system. We are losing a whole generation of leaders who fought valiantly so that we could become a person centered, recovery focused, culturally competent service delivery system. Many of the things we take for granted within our system now were hard fought wins for this group of leaders. Today we bring them back to the Executive Seminar to share their thoughts about our future and engage with you in a heartfelt discussion of what we can all do to assure that our behavioral health system keeps moving forward despite all the challenges and changes we are facing. Come listen, learn and share with these seasoned leaders.