DAY 1 – April 21, 2020
Leadership in Times of Chaos – Recording
Michael Stoltz, CEO, Association for Mental Health and Wellness; Amy Dorin, President & CEO, Coalition for Behavioral Health; Jeffrey McQueen, CEO, Mental Health Association of Nassau County; David Woodlock, President and CEO, Institute for Community Living. Moderator Edye Schwartz, Edye Schwartz Consulting
What do leaders need to know and do to meet the needs of their organizations, their staff and their service participants during times of upheaval? What makes a good leader great? Join these seasoned” CEO’s as they look back and look ahead at their time in the behavioral health field. Together, we will ponder how to be a principled leader in the crisis environment we are currently facing. Come share the experience and the insight of these “thought leaders” as they tackle these important issues.
Building A Better Workforce:
Talent Management Strategies for Recruitment, Retention, and Burnout
Recording PowerPoint Resources
Andrew Cleek, Chief Program Officer and Tony Salerno, Innovation and Implementation Officer, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at the NYU Silver School of Social Work
Your workforce is your organization’s most important strategic asset and managing that asset is one of the most important things for you to do as an executive. Workforce management is both a critical competency and also a huge challenge. For behavioral health organizations, the task is often made more difficult by a shortage of qualified and trained staff and competition with higher paying hospitals and managed care companies. Join this important workshop to learn strategies for finding, encouraging and keeping the best workforce.
Wellness Self Care: A Habit for Personal and Professional Practice
Recording PowerPoint
Margaret (Peggy) Swarbrick, Wellness Adjunct Associate Professor and Director of Practice Innovation and Wellness at University Behavioral Health Care at Piscataway (Rutgers Health) and as coordinator of Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey’s Wellness Institute; Pat Nemec, CSP-NJ Wellness Coaching trainer and Program Development Specialist
During these difficult times, we can still focus on our wellness self-care skills, even though we are feeling challenged physically, financially, and emotionally. Many of us are experiencing social isolation, disruptions in our usual habits and routines, and interruptions to our occupational and intellectual wellness. This session will highlight what we can do to focus on our wellness self-care skills to build resilience in the face of ongoing and changing stressors. Strategies, tools and resources for personal use will be shared, as well as how to support ourselves families colleagues and others.
DAY 2 – April 28, 2020
New York’s Mental Health Response to COVID-19 – Recording
Ann Sullivan, Commissioner NYS Office of Mental Health, Amanda Saake, Special Assistant to the Commissioner; Robyn Krueger, CEO Community Missions; Barry Brogan, CEO, North Country Behavioral Health Network; Taina Laing, Director of Operations, Baltic Street AEH; Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS CEO
Every day, we see and hear about countless examples of the inspiring courage, commitment and skill that our mental health community is demonstrating to respond to New Yorkers’ mental health needs during these unimaginable times. Our Governor has shown extraordinary leadership and state, local and community mental health agencies have been working together tirelessly to address the tremendous stress, tragedy and trauma that the COVID-19 crisis has engendered. Please join our Commissioner and panelists as we acknowledge all of the exceptional work that’s being done and look at how we can build on the new partnerships we have forged to best address the challenges that lie ahead.
Peer Crisis Innovations
Recording PowerPoint
Peer Rx, Doug Hovey, President & Chief Executive Officer, Independent Living; Peer Telehealth, Kirsten Vincent, Interim CEO, Housing Options Made Easy; Project INSET, Cindy Peterson-Data, Vice-President for Peer and Recovery Services and Raquelle Bender, Coordinator of Integrated Services, Mental Health Association of Westchester; Peer Crisis Respite and Stabilization Centers, Steve Miccio, CEO, People USA; Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal
Over the two decades, the unique value that peer supporters bring to assist individuals to identify their most important needs and to take action to improve their health and their lives has become abundantly clear. We now have ample evidence of the effectiveness of peer support in promoting hope, self-confidence, social connection and self-directed lives in ways that also reduce avoidable stays at inpatient and detox programs. Join our expert panel of peer service leaders as they share how their innovative crisis services are providing essential support to individual when they need it most.
Creating a Successful Value Proposition
Recording PowerPoint
Kristin Woodlock, Chief Executive Officer, Woodlock & Associates
Are you presenting your services in a way that demonstrates how essential you are to a person’s recovery and makes it clear to payers that your organization is what they need to reach their outcomes? Join this workshop and learn the 5-Step process – defining your concept, metrics, return on investment calculation, finance and distinctiveness – to crafting the unique value proposition that payers are waiting for! You’ll leave with take-away tools and the confidence to move ahead.
DAY 3 – May 5, 2020
At the Nexus of Recovery, Psychiatry and Managed Care
Recording – combined with “Take Charge of Your Organization Culture!”
Pat Deegan, Pat Deegan Associates; Lisa Dixon, Director, Center for Practice Innovation; James Gavin, former CEO, Community Care Behavioral Health; Moderator: Harvey Rosenthal NYAPRS CEO
For over three decades, Pat Deegan has served as one of recovery movement’s most visionary, inspirational and articulate pioneers. She helped define and lead the ‘Conspiracy of Hope’ of the mid-1990’s, developed groundbreaking Hearing Voices curriculum, created Common Ground shared decision-making software and has most recently launched a new Personal Medicine Certification program.
This unique session will give Pat the opportunity to share her most current thoughts and projects with us and to explore how recovery approaches are leading the way today in a discussion with her two highly recognized leaders in the fields of psychiatry and managed care
Take Charge of Your Organization Culture!
Drew DiGiovanni, Senior Associate, OPEN MINDS
Every organization has a unique culture that is driven by leaders, clinicians, peers and the individuals that we serve. When we grow, standardize or focus more on outcome data, we put tension on the fabric of our culture. This session will help you be more conscious of the everyday things that leaders do to shape organization culture, and what you can do to ease the tension of change. The Competing Values Framework will be highlighted.
Assessing and Changing Your Organization Culture
Recording PowerPoint
Drew DiGiovanni, Senior Associate, OPEN MINDS, Facilitator: Edye Schwartz, Edye Schwartz Consulting.
Join our national expert and take a “deeper dive” into your organizational culture. You will assess and graph your organization’s unique culture profile. You will then explore best practice strategies to change culture to support your strategic initiatives for success. Join Drew and Edye for a lively discussion about your specific needs and how to develop a practical plan to meet them. It’s time to acknowledge and tackle this important topic.
Building a Trauma-Responsive Organization
Recording PowerPoint Resources
Yves Ades, Ades Integrated Health Strategies
The prevalence of trauma in the lives of the people we serve is overwhelming. Trauma, and especially early childhood trauma, looms large in the histories of people with addiction disorders, complex behavioral conditions, and often, also in the histories of the people who serve them. Becoming a trauma responsive organization is essential for engaging survivors of trauma in treatment and retaining the talent we so desperately need in our workforce. Adopting the principles of trauma-informed care, providing safety for all, and preventing re-traumatization are key for supporting organizational health and achieving the best health outcomes for those who seek opportunity for healing. Come learn more about this essential initiative.