Keynote Presentation:
A Self-Invented Future: The Integration of a Traumatized Life
Eric Arauz, President, Trauma Institute of New Jersey & National Award-Winning Author
Plenary Session:
Collaboration is Key! Strengthening the Link between Physical and Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral health services that promote wellness, rehabilitation and recovery are in high demand by new community partners and payers who are looking for innovative service delivery models to help them better integrate physical and behavioral health care to best treat the whole person. Hear how community behavioral health providers are using innovative strategies and collaborations to promote HCBS, PROS, and care coordination services which lead to better integrated care outcomes.
Nicole K. Haggerty, Director, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and Care Coordination, NYS OMH
Kathryn Murphy, Coordinator of PROS & Peer Support, St. Joseph’s Health & Member of Trinity Health
John Javis, Director of Behavioral Health, Nassau-Queens PPS
Eric Stone, Coordination Manager, St. Joseph’s Care Coordination Network, St. Joseph’s Health & Member of Trinity Health
Jackie Negri, Principal and Consultant, Negri Management Resources, LLC
Workshops Round 1 – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Foundations of Recovery Practice: Strengths & Challenges in Implementing Recovery-Oriented Care
Transforming services to implement recovery-oriented care begins with vision and leadership. It is a dynamic and ongoing process to ensure quality and fidelity in all aspects of your service delivery. This workshop will review implementation strategies providers and individual practitioners can take to transform their practice. We will review common challenges faced during this process in order to help people achieve their personal goals and help providers find success within a value-based system.
Ruth Colon-Wagner, Director of Training and Development, NYAPRS
Edye Schwartz, Director of Systems Transformation, NYAPRS
Let’s Kick Butts: Developing Tobacco Dependence Treatment
This workshop will provide information to service providers on CPI’s tobacco dependence treatment learning community. Barriers to implementation and engagement will be explored. Participants will learn components that enhance successful implementation tips for embedding this practice in a PROS model. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss implementation with providers who have successfully embedded tobacco dependence treatment into their service provision models.
Nancy Covell, Associate Director for Implementation Support Systems, Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Noah Lipton, Implementation Specialist, Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Improving Employment Outcomes Through Collaboration
Our relationship with our employer has a direct impact on our employment outcomes. Engaging and developing relationships with employers is key to the success of our service. It can also be the most difficult challenge we face. During this workshop, we will hear from service providers who are making it work. This workshop will also give you the skills you need to improve your employer outreach and engagement and give you the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment.
Ann Bergeman, PROS Director, Evelyn Brandon Health Center PROS Rochester Regional Health System
Raymond Gregory, IPS Trainer, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Thomas Jewell, PhD, Project Manager, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Paul J. Margolies, Associate Director for Practice Innovation and Implementation, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Mental Health Services and Policy Research, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Paul Morton, Employment Specialist, Evelyn Brandon Health Center PROS Rochester Regional Health System
Len Statham, Director of Employment & Economic Self-Sufficiency, NYAPRS
Workshops Round II – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Person Centered practices challenge us all as individual providers to help the people we serve develop their personal dreams. How do we cultivate and adopt an agency wide culture of Person Centered approaches that transcends traditional management practices and treatment protocols? This workshop will use real life examples and interactive exercises with workshop participants to demonstrate tools that can be used to implement person centered practices
Alison Carroll, Vice President Strategic Initiatives, CoveCare Center and Member of CBHS IPA
Kathryn Lewis, Director of Clinical Operations, Allegany Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.
Krista Zanfardino, Associate Vice President, CoveCare Center and Member of CBHS IPA
Creating Anti-Oppressive Service Systems
Current trends in U.S. society have heightened awareness of structures that promote racism and discrimination. It is critical to understand that these structures are not new. They are merely amplified in our current socio-political environment, and have actually been longstanding in our society. This presentation will explore how these structures that systematically marginalize and exclude people who seek services. Join us to explore how these structures operate and discuss strategies that may overcome these structural barriers in order to reduce racial disparities and create equality in health care.
Karina Ciprian, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, Silver School of Social Work, NYU
James Rodriquez, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, Silver School of Social Work, NYU
Achieving Educational Goals & Strengths through Supported Education
This session will share how, through the use of individual supports, people with behavioral health challenges can be supported to select, obtain and maintain their educational goals ranging from attending college to improving basic literacy. Learn how community behavioral health providers can coordinate services with educational institutions to meet the educational support needs for individuals of all ages..
Kiki Garg, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Northeast Career Planning
Julie Pirog, Coordinator of Supported Education, Northeast Career Planning
Kimbrianne Rock, Supported Education and HCBS Counselor, Northeast Career Planning
Workshops Round III – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
How do we genuinely shift culture to adopt the principles of trauma-informed and recovery oriented practice? This workshop will focus on the value of developing a trauma-informed culture that facilitates engagement in services, promotes recovery and improves overall health outcomes. Participants will acquire a rationale for incorporating trauma-informed principles into service delivery, leading to improved population health, workforce satisfaction and reduction of secondary traumatic stress on front line practitioners.
Yves Ades, Principal, Ades Integrated Health Strategies
Bradley Jacobs, Director, Center for Rehabilitation and Recovery, The Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies
Creating and Supporting a Positive Rehabilitation Culture
Amidst the sea of change in our healthcare environment, it is often easy to lose focus of the type of culture that can actually change people’s lives. During this workshop, participants will hear from two organizations that have been successful in creating buy-in from staff (at all levels) and members to create and operationalize a culture that promotes rehabilitation and recovery. Participants will be given concrete examples that they can take back to their organization and begin implementing!
Audrey George–Owes, Regional Director for Behavioral Health, SUS
Jessica Oppenheimer, Program Director, Franklin Recovery PROS, BestSelf Behavioral Health, Inc.
Kelly Sutton, Program Director, Abbott Corners PROS, BestSelf Behavioral Health, Inc.
Making Performance Measures Work for You!
Data is important for providers to be able to express value, increase accountability and drive service delivery. This interactive workshop will provide a real life example that demonstrates the quality improvement cycle and how data can inform practice. Participants will become acquainted with a tool to assist them in the development of data collection and analysis which can help to think about how data can support decision making and inform practice.
Daniella Labate, Director of Managed Care Initiatives, NYAPRS
Briannon O’Connor, Associate Director, CCSI Center for Collaboration in Community Health
Boris Vilgorin, Chief Strategy Officer, McSilver Institute’s Managed Care Technical Assistance Center
Plenary Session:
Behavioral Health on the Move! Creative Ways to Deliver Mobile Services
Behavioral health and substance use treatment providers are being challenged to provide new and innovative coordinated care and mobile services to the individuals and families in need, in their homes and communities. Hear how creative mobile service delivery provides appropriate and efficient behavioral healthcare and related services to people of all ages in collaboration with community partners. Learn how these services, which are fundamental to an integrated healthcare system, will positively impact the lives of those we serve and contribute to the health, safety, and quality of life in our communities.
Chris Copeland, Chief Operating Officer, ICL
Chris Roche, Clinical Director, Venture Forthe, Inc.
Stuart Rosenblatt, Executive Director, New Choices Recovery
Patricia Lincourt, Director, Division for Practice Innovation and Care Management, NYS OASAS
Robert Myers, Senior Deputy Commissioner and Director, Division of Adult Services, State Hospitals and Managed Care, NYS OMH
Edye Schwartz, Director of System Transformation, NYAPRS
Workshops Round IV – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Foundations of Recovery Practice: Ensuring Cultural Competence and Equity in our Service Delivery
This workshop will explore opportunities for designing, improving & operationalizing services that are culturally relevant and appropriate. How do you work within a system whose infrastructure does not include the principles of cultural and linguistic competence? How do you engage people in recovery if you do not honor the whole person that includes their culture? Will the path to recovery look the same for everyone? As caring individuals who provide a myriad of services to an increasingly diverse population, it is essential that we embed cultural and linguistic competence concepts so that our approaches and outcomes will be equitable for all. Come join the conversation.
Lenora Reid-Rose, Director, Cultural and Linguistic Competence, Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Len Statham, Director of Employment & Economic Self-Sufficiency Initiatives, NYAPRS
On the Move! Identifying Strategies for Providing and Supervising Mobile Services
There are many variable to consider when providing services in the community. This workshop will “take a deeper dive” into the challenges that practitioners face when taking their services on the road and moving from traditional settings to community settings. Providers will gain a deeper understanding of the skills practitioners need to provide quality services in the community. The workshop will also examine techniques specific to supervising practitioners who provide these services.
Liam McNabb, Director, Rehabilitation Services Unit, NYS OMH
Michelle Nadeau, Assistant Service Director, Unity House of Troy
Deidre Summers, HCBS Director, ICL
The Supervisor/Supervise Relationship: Getting the Most out of Supervision
Sometimes in the midst of our busy days, we forget about one of the most important relationships in our work environment – the supervisor-supervisee relationship. This relationship is critical to our ongoing professional growth and like all relationships, it takes two to make it happen. This workshop is for all staff – supervisors and supervisees – who want to grow, feel safe, and learn the value that this special relationship can have on your work performance and the services you provide.
Margy Meath, Clinical Assistant Professor, The College at Brockport-Greater Rochester Collaborative MSW Program, Lifeworks Consulting
Workshops Round V – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Most people learn by doing and yet we still find that the majority of our interventions consist of talking and processing (workshops included!). In this highly experiential workshop, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a simulated social skills training group as well as participate in developing a lesson plan for teaching skills on an individual basis. Presenters will provide universal steps for facilitating skills-training groups and a process to develop individual skills training lessons that workshop participants can use to enhance the provision of skills training in their work.
Paul J. Margolies, Associate Director, Practice Innovation and Implementation, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Marlo Pasion, Program Associate, Center for Rehabilitation & Recovery, The Coalition for Behavioral Health
Amanda Saake, Senior Program Associate, Center for Rehabilitation & Recovery, The Coalition for Behavioral Health
Putting the Pieces Together: Shared Experiences of HCBS Implementation
HCBS is a new service delivery model in NYS that allows for tremendous flexibility and creativity but it requires some of us to change the way we do business. Come hear from providers who are delivering HCBS services throughout NYS as they share their experiences with service implementation. The panel will discuss overcoming challenges to implementation, tools to outreach to peers and care managers, how to deal with staffing HXBS services, and evaluation for frequency, scope and duration.
Tammy Butler-Fluitt, Executive Director, Samaritan Center for Excellence
Kristi Graziano, HCBS Program Director, Association for Mental Health and Wellness
Linda Harrell-Davis, CEO, Me Time Massage and Wellness in Rochester
Doug Meyer, Director of Services, MHA in Essex County, Inc.
Karen Rogers, Owner and Founder, Exercise Express
Douglas Ruderman, Behavioral Health and Managed Care Technical Assistance Specialist, NYS OMH
Motivation & Engagement: Building Strong Connections with the People You Serve
In order to engage in any process of change we must feel safe, accepted, respected and understood. Successfully engaging people is a critical and sometimes overlooked part of our work. Building strong, purposeful connections helps to empower and motivate people to engage in services which helps them to be successful in achieving their recovery goals. During this workshop we will review some successful strategies to provide effective engagement. We will hear from two organizations who will share their successes and challenges and discuss how they overcame implementation barriers.
Roni DeKoning, Senior Deputy Director, Association for Mental Health & Wellness
Nancy Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Restoration Society in Western NY