Day 1: November 8, 2023
KEYNOTE: Why You Do What You Do: Reflections from a Man Whose Life You Saved
David Woods Bartley
Workshops Round 1
1. Skills Teaching: Teaching Skills is a Skill. Stephen Nawotniak, David Merlo
2. Inspiring Action for Employment. Len Statham, Karen Broadway-Wilson, Paul Margolies
3. To Disclose or Not to Disclose: A Balancing Act of Using Lived Experience in CORE & PROS. Lilly Prado, Pam Rivera, Monique Davis, Lana Rumore, Valerie Mendoza, Cornelius Delaney, Amanda Saake, Danielle Lopez
General Sessions:
If You Connect, They Will Thrive; Three No-Cost Ways to Connect with People
David Woods Bartley
The Importance of Leadership in Building Strong Psychiatric Rehabilitation Teams
Anthony Salerno, Paul Margolies
Workshops Round 2
1. Utilizing Group Curricula to Optimize Success. Natalie Lleras
2. So, You Learned Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Now What? Boris Vilgorin, Daniella Labate-Covelli, Anthony Morano, Zachary Johnson
3. Thriving Despite Challenges: Overcoming Overwhelm and Workforce Issues Britt Higgins, Kirk Cooper-Johnson, Lisa Turnquist
General Session:
Breaking Barriers: Confronting Social Injustice and Oppression
April Aycock, Lenora Reid-Rose
Day 2: November 9, 2023
General Sessions:
Using Psychiatric Rehabilitation to Transform Lives
Kathryn Murphy, Sarah Nelson, Laura Best-Macia, Tara Larkin-Fredericks, Len Statham
Ask OMH Anything
Stacey Hale, Denise Balzer, Shannon Buckley, Emily Masterson, Jaimie Terelo, Mike Miller, Amanda Saake, Andy Sink
Workshops Round 3
1. Skill Building Tangibly by Connecting Virtually. Christine Linkie
2. Reconnecting, Revitalizing, and Reintegrating In-Person Services. Trisha Tuttle, Jeffrey Malone
3. Collaboration for Community Success: How Peer Support Services Collaborate with Rehabilitation Services. Dan Roman, Maria Kavouras, Shannon Higbee