Keynote Presentation:
Integrating WRAP, Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Peer Support to Promote Full Community Inclusion
Matthew Federici,Executive Director , Copeland Center for Wellness & Recovery, Co-Author of the Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP) Preparation and Skills Workbook
Plenary Session:
Outreaching, Engaging and Supporting People to Get the Life They Want
Learn about the implementation of innovative models of Home and Community Based and PROS services that are successfully engaging and supporting people to advance their health activation and self-care and accessing what they need and want in the community. Learn about the opportunities found and the challenges encountered by service recipients and how they can be successfully addressed towards delivering effective person-centered, recovery-oriented and outcome focused services.
David Barhome, CRC, LMHC is Assistant Vice President, Integrated Health and Community Services at Family residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (F.R.E.E.) and has 11 years of experience in Behavioral Health program development and management.
Paul Ferrari, MSW is the Director of PROS at Behavioral Health Services North and has over 17 years of experience in Behavioral Health program development and management.
Workshops Round 1 – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Explain Yourself! Learning to Promote Your services to People Who May Not Be Sold on What You Have to Offer
Before they choose to use your PROS program or Home and Community Based Service, people must first understand how they can actually meet their needs and accomplish their goals. This session will feature PROS and HCBS providers who will share successful experiences in engaging service participants and helping them to achieve maximum benefit from the services they offer. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own challenges and successes and learn from one another. Learn to present what you offer in a way that will have lots of people asking to choose to participate in your services!
Paul J. Margolies, Ph.D. is Associate Director, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Mental Health Services and Policy Research, New York State Psychiatric Institute,
Len Statham, M.S. is the Director of Employment & Economic Self Sufficiency Programming and Training at NYAPRS .
Mary VanLieshout, Consumer Services of Madison County PROS
Anti-Oppressive Practice: Make Your Practice Culturally Relevant and Trauma Informed
Our behavioral healthcare system is often marked by low rates of service use, high dropout rates and high turnover rates for front line staff. Participants in this session will gain a greater understanding of anti-oppressive practice and how it overlaps with other approaches that attempt to address these negative outcomes, especially for service participants from historically marginalized groups. Participants will also learn about VOICES, a practical set of strategies for implementing anti-oppressive care in daily practice.s.
James Rodriguez, Senior Research Scientist, McSilver lnstitLJte for Poverty Policy and Research
Self-Directed Care has come to New York State! Building on international models that have been developed in England and the United States, SDC is rooted in the fundamental principle that people in behavioral health recovery can best articulate and determine their own needs. SDC provides eligible individuals with the ability to meet their individualized goals through the approved purchase of goods and services they identify as critical to advancing their health and their lives,including independent housing, employment, education .Come join us for a conversation with a pilot site’s SDC program manager, an individual currently participating in the program and representatives from the Office of Mental Health
Bryan Cranna, Faith Davies, of independent Living, Newburgh, NY
Emily Delorenzo, Program Manager, Bureau of Program and Policy Development,
Don Zalucki, Director, Bureau of Program and Policy Development, NYS Office of Mental Health
Lauren Stander, Resource Consultant, Community Access
Workshops Round II – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Connecting with Employers: Let’s Make Sure We all Benefit From These Relationships!
Developing employment networks and successfully developing jobs requires employers who are most likely to work with us if they see a benefit to their businesses. This session will feature PROS and HCBS providers who will share their successful experiences in connecting with employers. Join them in sharing similar practices that are succeeding across our state.
Jennifer Edwards, Employment Specialist, ACCESS: Supports for Living
Raymond Gregory, JPS Trainer, Center For Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research,
Thomas Jewel( Project Manager, Center For Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research,
Paul J. Margolies, Associate Director, Practice Innovation and Implementation, Center for Practice Innovations, Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research, NYS Psychiatric Institute
Gail McKee, Director of Vocational Services, Restoration Society, Inc.
Len Statham, Director of Employment & Economic Self Sufficiency Initiatives, NYAPRS
Building a Positive Peer Culture in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
Peer specialists play a critical role in engaging, inspiring and supporting people who participate in PROS and Home and Community Based Services to attain their goals. This session will underscore how peers can effectively operate in rehabilitation services and how they can best be integrated within the service team.
Samantha Kleinman, PROS Director, Mental Health Association of Nassau County
Sametra Polkah-Toe, Rehabilitation Practitioner fl, Restoration Society
Mastering Structured Skill Development and Support: The SSDS Experience
Structured Skill Development and Support (SSDS) is a PROS service that is designed to assist individuals with developing skills to meet their life role goals through a process of teaching practice, and feedback. SSDS is a critical intervention that is arguably the most “mysterious” one for PROS practitioners. Through presentation and experiential exercises, session participants will participate in a simulated SSDS group and receive tips and strategies to provide SSDS in their PROS program.
Amanda Saake, Director, The Center for Rehabilitation and Recovery, The Coalition for Behavioral Health
Clinton Green, Training & Implementation Specialist,
Marla Pasion, Senior Training & Implementation Specialist,
Melissa Thomas, Associate Director of Training, The Coalition for Behavioral Health
Workshops Round III – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
The PROS Curriculum Project: An Opportunity to Successfully Outreach to New Groups
The NYS Office of Mental Health is funding PROS providers to reach out to people living in adult homes and State Psychiatric Centers who may want to explore moving to a more independent community setting. They are offering specialized group curricula which explore living, learning, working and socializing for people who may not have had much opportunity or have been reluctant to set these kinds of goals. This session will provide an overview of these opportunities and a discussion with a PROS program that has been actively reaching out and engaging people in adult homes
Trish Blizzard, NYS Office of Mental Health
Dawn LoGuidice Program Director,
Joe Zwieg Director of PROS/ Behavioral Health Services, Jawonio
Daniella Labate, Director of Managed Care Initiatives, NYAPRS
Why Shared Decision Making? Learning to Listen and Look
As recovery-based services become more common place, service recipients are taking the opportunity to identify their health and life goals and to be centrally involved in the service planning and decision-making process. In assisting people to begin the process and take ownership for making critical life decisions, we must strengthen our listening skills and actively “hear” and truly ‘see’ the individuals we serve. Join us for an engaging discussion on the shared decision making process in the world of recovery based services!
Larry Hochwald, Training and Technical Assistance Facilitator
Robert Statham Training and Technical Assistance Facilitator, NYAPRS
Let’s Move Forward: Assessing and Developing Readiness to Change
Change is hard for everyone and working with people who want to challenge where they are and to move to where they want to be can be daunting for everyone involved. The Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation has developed a tool to help people to assess their readiness to change and then offered ways to build on that readiness so that the change is less frightening and more manageable. This interactive session will explore how to use this innovative readiness assessment tool to help individuals to move forward with setting and achieving life goals.
Amanda Saake LMSW, CPRP is the Director of The Center for Rehabilitation & Recovery at the Coalition for Behavioral Health
Paul J. Margolies, Ph.D. is Associate Director of the Center for Practice Innovation in the Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy research of the NYS Psychiatric Institute
Edye Schwartz, DSW, LCSW-R is Director of Systems Transformation at NYAPRS
Workshops Round IV – Outreach to Engagement to Activation
Assuring Your Services and Value are Clearly Presented
Marketing your services and communicating your value is an integral aspect of the outreach process for both PROS and HCBS providers. This session will explore strategies for successful outreach that both cultivate relationships and communicate the recovery focus and quality of your services to managed care organizations, health home care managers, and other referral sources and stakeholders.
Brandy Kotary, LMHC is Senior Program Coordinator at Rehabilitation Support Services, Inc.
Dennis Skow, LMSW, Program Director, Association of Health and Wellness
Kristi Graziano, LCAT, LMSW, HCBS Program Director, Association of Health and Wellness
Engaging Consumers Through Cultural Activation Prompts
Cultural Activation Prompts (CAPs) are an effective, culturally responsive and respectful, consumer-focused interaction and relationship building engagement tool utilized by the consumer. CAPs support the activation of individuals, encouraging them to participate in their own care. Through the expression and detailing of their cultural identity and values, each person determines and shares what matters to them when receiving care and enhances the likelihood of desired and positive outcomes. Participants of this session will be introduced to the CAPs tool: what it is; why it is important; how to appropriately utilize it; and what to do with the cultural information collected.
Lenora Reid-Rose, BA, MBA is a Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Director at Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Trickle Down Activation: Getting (and Keeping) Staff Motivated
As practitioners who cultivate hope, motivation and momentum toward the personal wellness of the people we serve, we must not forget to nurture ourselves and to keep ourselves well. As managers and supervisors, it is important to consistently evaluate and implement strategies that support our staff. In this session, participants will participate in activities that support staff activation and will hear and share concrete strategies and tips from PROS and HCBS providers on how to accomplish this.
Audrey George-Owens, LMSW, MPA is Regional Director of Behavioral Health Housing, Respites and HCBS Services at SUS
Natalie Lieras, LCSW is Clinical Director of Rockaway PROS at Catholic Charities of Brooklyn & Queens
Amanda Saake, LMSW, CPRP, Director, Center for Rehabilitation & Recovery, The Coalition of BH
Special Session– Outreach to Engagement to Activation
In this interactive session, national expert Paul Grant will demonstrate how an evidence-based recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R) is being successfully implemented in inpatient and community settings across the country, including NYS Psychiatric Centers. It is being successfully used by non-clinical professionals including direct care staff, peer specialist and recreational workers, along with some social workers and rehabilitation counselors. In a discussion with the co-creator of CT-R and an interactive exercise attendees will have the opportunity to sharpen their skills to meet individuals where they are at and practice strategies for collaborating with individuals to elicit and help them develop powerful aspirations that they can actively pursue.
Paul M. Grant, BA, MA, Ph.D. is the co-creator of CT-R and Research Assistant, Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the Perelman School Of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania