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Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Thank You for Your Service! A Brief Interview with Military Veterans
Moe Armstrong, Founder Vet-to-Vet, West Haven, CT
Jeffrey McQueen, Mental Health Association of Nassau County, Hempstead, NY
Eversly Corbin, Services for the Underserved, Brooklyn, NY
Luis Lopez, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
SAMHSA Wellness Recognition of Excellence Awardees
Taina Martinez, Laurie Vite, Michael Nugent, Baltic Street AEH, Brooklyn, NY
Stephanie Natelli, Kathy Hagendorf, Alicia Lore-Grachan, The Guidance Center, Mount Vernon, NY
Trauma-Informed Yoga in Behavioral Health Settings – PDF
Altrovise Walcott, Erin Palmer, Services for the Underserved, Bronx, NY
Bronte Kastenberg, Bronx Partners for Healthy Communities, Bronx, NY
New Choices in Recovery! – PDF
David Ferencz, Colleen Sheehan, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Successful Families Can and Do Look Different
Anne Dox, Bill Gamble, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Tracy Puglisi, George Badilo, Association of Mental Health and Wellness, Ronkonkoma, NY
Digna Quinones, NYS Office of Mental Health, New York, NY
Outcome and Evaluation Tools for Peer Support Services – PDF
Amy Colesante, PSNY-IPA, Albany, NY
Ellen Healion, Hands Across Long Island, Central Islip, NY
Todd French, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Playing our Part: Shared Decision-Making in the Era of Recovery – PDF
Recovery Oriented Language Guide – PDF
Robert Statham, Ruth Colon-Wagner, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Healing Stigma through Trauma-Informed Approaches – PDF
Patty Blum, Ruth Gonzales, Terry Patterson, Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., Sacramento, CA
MHANYS CarePath Program: Shared Values in Recovery – PDF
Deb Faust, Mental Health Association of New York State, Albany, NY
Keynote – Dignity: What it Means, Why it Matters, and How We can Nurture it – PDF
Patricia E. Deegan, PhD, Byfield, MA
Medicaid Funded Peer Innovations from Across the Nation
Sherry Jenkins-Tucker, Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, Decatur, GA
Elise Padilla, Star Center, Arlington, VA
Joseph Woodward, Housing Options Made Easy, Gowanda, NY
Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
The Mindful & Trauma-Informed Lens: Exploring Trauma-Sensitive Care & Healing Potential of Mindfulness – PDF (Toolkit)
Perryn Dutiger, Ruth Colon-Wagner, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Considering the Whole Person: Context for Mental Health Treatment for Black and Peoples of Color
Antoine Craigwell, DBGM, Inc., New York, NY
Working for Criminal Justice Reform in NY
Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Carla Rabinowitz, Community Access, New York, NY
The Culture of Customer Service: Developing Agency Collaboration for Greater Outcomes – PDF
Jeff McQueen, Mental Health Association of Nassau Co, Hempstead, NY
Consumer Satisfaction: Survey to CQI to Innovation – PDF
Erin Palmer, Carlos Cortez, Sasha Marie Robinson, Services for the Underserved, New York, NY
Social Networks: A Means to Assess and Facilitate Community Integration
Rohini Pahwa, New York University, New York, NY
Helle Thorning, NYS Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
Anti-Oppressive Practice: Co-Creating Equity in our Service Systems
James Rodriguez, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, New York, NY
The Spirit of Survival
Mike Skinner, Mary Murray, Goffstown, NH
Thursday, September 13, 2018
At the Heart of Medicaid Redesign
Peggy Elmer, NYS Department of Health
Nicole Haggerty, Director, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and Care Coordination
Charlotte Carito, Deputy Director, Division of Managed Care
Stacey Hale, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and Care Coordination
Liam NcNabb, Director, Rehabilitation Services Unit
Ilyana Meltzer, MPP, Care Management Bureau Director, OASAS, Albany, NY
Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Addressing Intersectionality within the Peer Movement – PDF
Sarah Felman, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Troy, NY
Chacku Mathai, Mental Health Association of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Challenging the Status Quo: Breaking the Mold in the 21st Century – PDF
Clarence Jordan, Lisa Kugler, Beacon Health, Memphis, TN
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health – PDF
Christopher Coyle, Regina Shoen, NYS Office of Mental Health, Albany, NY
Peer Support in the Context of Managed Care: Keeping our Values in Peer Services
Bill Gamble, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Tracy Puglisi, Association for Mental Health and Wellness, Ronkonkoma, NY
From Cultural Competency to Cultural Humility – PDF
Clinton Green, Liz Breier, Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, New York, NY
Art and Creativity in Recovery & Social Justice
Sigfrido Benitez, Westbeth Artist Community, New York, NY
Effective Implementation of Peers and Community Health Workers: Developing Pipelines and Career Ladders
Aviva Cohen, Office of Consumer Affairs, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
The New Frontier: Peer Specialists Working in Criminal Justice Settings
LaVerne Miller, Policy Research Associates, Delmar, NY
Peer Workers as Change Agents: Building our Collective Power
Sascha Altman DuBrul, Recovery Specialist and Trainer, OnTrackNY, New York, NY
Angel Serrano, Peer Counselor, Jacobi ACT Team, Bronx, NY
Strategies to Serve New Yorkers with Disabilities in the Most Integrated Settings
John Allen, NYS Office of Mental Health, Albany, NY
Shelly Weizman, Assistant Secretary for Mental Hygiene, Albany, NY
The Practice of Self-Appreciation
Sara Goodman, Baltic Street, AEH, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
Employment . . . Yes! The Role of Employment in Recovery – PDF
Paul Margolies, Karen Broadway-Wilson, Raymond Gregory, Thomas Jewell, Gary Scannevin, Jr., New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
Len Statham, NYAPRS, Inc., Albany, NY
Kathleen Herndon, MHA Putnam, Brewster, NY
This Is How We Do It! Providing Effective Skills Training Interventions – PDF
Amanda Saake, Marlo Pasion, Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, New York, NY
How Accredited Clubhouses in New York and Around the Globe Address the Social Determinants of Health
David Plotka, Venture House, Jamaica, NY
Michelle Rabelo, Stuart Warren, Clubhouse NY
Why do we put Boundaries Around Peer Support?
Patrick Hendry, Mental Health America, Alexandria, VA
Lisa St. George, Recovery International, Phoenix, AZ
Peer Supervision: What’s Working, How and Why? – PDF
Jeremy Reuling, MHA of Westchester, Tarrytown, NY
Jessica Wolf, Decision Solutions, Stratford, CT
Bridging the Gap: Expanding Roles and Building Partnerships in Behavioral Health – PDF
Mary Hanrahan, Whitney Ale, Matthew DeMasi, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY
Keynote – Our Stories Tell Us Why We’re Here
Stephanie Campbell, Sascha Altman DuBrul, Carlton Whitmore, Phil Schulman
Self-Directed Care in NY and Nationally
Keith Aquiar, Gloria Lopez, Community Access, New York, NY
Bryan Cranna, Faith Davies, Independent Living, Newburgh, NY
Genuine Peer Support as an Innovative Outreach and Engagement Tool
Jamillah Blair, Choice of New Rochelle, NY
Matt Canuteson, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Steve Miccio, PEOPLe, Inc., Poughkeepsie, NY
Healing Trauma through Applied Life Style Medicine and Cultural Competence
Deborah Wilcox, Confluency Consultant and Associates, Denver, CO
Theresa Hall, NYAPRS, West Babylon, NY
Rhythms for Connections: Self Care and Community Care
Chrys Ballerano, NYSCASA, Albany, NY
Deborah Faust, Mental Health Association of New York State, Albany, NY
The Power of Language: Observations, Ideas, and a Journey – PDF
Luis Lopez, Sascha Altman DuBrul, Center for Practice Innovations, New York, NY
Angel Serrano, NYC HHC, New York, NY
Kate Hewlett, Otsego County Behavioral Health Services, Oneonta, NY
Parenting with Dignity: A Recovery Oriented Perspective
Celia Brown, NYS Office of Mental Health, New York, NY
Ellen P. Lukens, Columbia University, New York, NY
Helle Thorning, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
LGBT Mental Health Consumers in the Mental Health System
Bert Coffman, Zappalorti Society, New York, NY
Loraine Nunez, Fountain House, Inc., New York, NY
Michael Livote, Ali Fomey Center, Bronx, NY
John Keeley, Staten Island, NY
Supervision and Successful Employment: Overview of the National Peer Worker Supervision Survey – PDF
Jessica Wolf, Decision Solutions, Stratford, CT
Dana Foglesong, Magellan Complete Care, Fort Myers, FL
Increasing Employment Outcomes – PDF
Regina Kaiser, Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network, Fairfield, CA
Ruth Gonzales, Terry Paterson, Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., Sacramento, CA
Friday, September 14, 2018
Unique Qualities of the Practice of Peer Support
Carrie Hermance, PSNY-IPA, Albany, NY
Joe Woodward, Housing Options Made Easy, Gowanda, NY
Kevin Smith, Mental Health Peer Connection, Buffalo, NY
Sara Goodman, Baltic Street AEH, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
Everything You Wanted to Know About Value Based Payment – PDF
Daniella Labate, Yves Ades, NYAPRS, Inc., Albany, NY
Take Your Life Back: Shopping for Good Person-Centered Treatment for Smoking – PDF
Forrest Foster, Noah Lipton, Nancy Covell, NYS Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
Digna Quinones, Office of Mental health, New York, NY
HCBS and Self-Directed Recovery
Honora Stephan, Julie Erdman, Federation of Organizations, Patchogue, NY
ACCES-VR: Assisting Individuals with Disabilities to Go to Work: A Dialog with Us – PDF
Jennifer Semonite, Acces-VR, Albany, NY
How to Build Cross-Sector Partnerships: Lessons from the Healthy Together Referral Network
Steve Strauss, Unite Us, New York, NY
Supporting LGBTQI People Comfortable to Share Their Stories; One Man’s Account of Surviving Trauma
David Ruiz, Baltic Street AEH, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
Joe Denne, Geneva, NY
Understanding Complex Needs & Palliative Care for Older Adults in Behavioral Health
Kathleen Grimm, MD, MHSc, Erie County Medical Center, Buffalo, NY
Peace Work – Bonded Community Heals
Noelle Pollet, Peace Work Heart Circle Consulting, Woodstock, NY
Keynote – Beyond the Mental Health Bubble: How We Can Unite Social Justice Movements to Create Positive Change
Hawk Newsome, Black Lives Matter NY, New York City, NY
Dolores Covrigaru, Human Rights Campaign, New York City, NY
Oryx Cohen, National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery
Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Crisis Intervention Teams and The Community: Partnerships, Responsibility and “MORE”
Major Sam Cochran (ret), Chairperson of CIT International, Bartlett, TN
Steve Miccio, PEOPLe, Inc., Poughkeepsie, NY
Carla Rabinowitz, Community Access, New York, NY
The Overdose Plague and the Life Support System in our Communities: How Can We Save Our Loved Ones?
Shannon Landy, Lauren Stander, Community Access, New York, NY
Confronting Health Inequity – PDF
Nancy Shelton, Coordinated Care Services, Inc., New York, NY
Paving a New Path . . . for the Arts in New York State
Gayle Bluebird, Arts Consultant and Entrepreneur, Gainesville, FL
Academy of Peer Services – Preparing for the “Real World” of Peer Support and Supervision
Rita Cronise, Amy Spagnolo, Karen Richards, Annette Backs, APS, New York, NY
Health Equity Projects and the Recovery Movement
Corinna West, Poetry for Personal Power, Lawrence, KS
Certified Community Mental Health Clinics (CCBHC) – A Year Later
James Chavez, Sasha Marie Robinson, Services for the Underserved, New York, NY
Lessons Learned from Community Access’ Tenant Advisory Group
Eli Bean, Eugene Smith, Phyllis Fisher, Community Access, New York, NY
LGBTQ + Inclusive Language – PDF
Krista Zanfardino, Diane Lotto, Melissa Marino, CoveCare Center, Carmel, NY
A Force to be Reckoned With – PDF
Phillip Williams, Helen Skipper, Ivanna Bond-Queneau
The New York City Peer Workforce Coalition-Leadership Committee, New York, NY